Vuoi salire sulla nostra “Mongolfiera dei Visionari” ?
Stiamo espandendo il nostro team di visionari e siamo alla ricerca di nuovi talenti.
Vuoi proporti ? Sei un’artista con un progetto ?
Gentilmente, lascia la tua mail e il motivo del tuo messaggio, appena possibile ti risponderemo. Grazie
Would you like to board our ‘Visionary Balloon’?
We are expanding our team of visionaries and are looking for new talent.
Would you like to propose yourself ? Are you an artist with a project ?
Please leave your e-mail and the reason for your message, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
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- ADD :
Fellini Magazine is a voluntary and free website.
Whoever maintains it declares not to be responsible for the comments automatically inserted in the posts and reserves the right to delete offensive, provocative, useless comments.
Users of the site who post comments, therefore, assume full and total responsibility.
The images included in the articles are sometimes not the work of the authors of the articles nor are they their property. These images, taken from the web, are published for illustrative purposes only, in compliance with paragraph 1-bis of Article 70 of Law No. 633 of 22 April 1941, “protection of copyright and other rights related to its exercise”. If their publication infringes specific copyrights, please communicate this for prompt removal to the email address: Thank you
The contents of this site may be reproduced only by citing the author and source, including an active link to the article page, and only for non-commercial purposes.
Almost all the photos or images currently on the site (unless otherwise indicated on the photo itself) are located on the Internet and consist of material widely distributed and considered to be in the public domain. On these photos and images the site does not hold, therefore, any copyright and it is not the intention of the author of the site to misappropriate images owned by others, therefore, if you hold the copyright of any photo, image or object present, today and in the future, on this site, or for any problem regarding Copyright, please send an e-mail immediately to indicating your data and the images in question so that we can process them. data and the images in question so that we can quickly solve the problem (for example, by inserting the author’s name, free of charge and permanently), or remove the photo (or other) permanently.
La grafica e il cinema, mie grande passioni, un sito di spunti notevoli per comprendere il mondo che sta dietro ad ogni pellicola del grande schermo.
Grazie, Alexia
Sono uno studente di tecniche cinematografiche e scoprire questo nuovo mondo riferito al grande Maestro Fellini mi ha illuminato. Finalmente un sito che da spazio anche ai giovani …